trivial post #7

           For weeks I have put off updating this thing, because updating it would mean having to write about too many events. At first I just didn't want to talk about thesis (about the Boss Battle that took place in the school clinic, about our final crawl towards the finish line), so I waited until I had something more interesting to write about. But I waited and I waited, and all the interesting things just piled up. So now if I am to write about March, I'd have to write about Health Sci Night, about the Seniors' Pabaon, about the Health Sci retreat. I'd have to mention the sentimentality I felt when I saw my own graduation picture beneath a perfect glass frame. I'd have to enumerate the plethora of feels that I feeled when I saw my name on that ASMPH accepted list. I'd have to flash back through so much block history in order to properly convey that air of grown-upness that permeated our block trip to Fontana. And then I'd have to add pictures.

            So I won't. Because I'm on vacation. I'm on freaking downtime. And I cannot, for the life of me, rally my brain cells together long enough to produce anything meaningful and poignant and witty. The bulk of the office space in my cranium is now being rented out to a bunch of sweaty grandmas in Tony Bahama shirts, sitting around and playing card games while waiting for an alarm on their phones to go off telling them that they have to reapply sunblock.

            But I do have enough willpower to say the following: I'm at home in CDO now, and I love it here because I get to eat all the food I want. I don't have to go out at night foraging for food in lonely salad bars or gaudy Katipunan fastfood joints. Dinner is one staircase away.

            I've also been occupying myself with a secret project that I will definitely post about soon. Probably after graduation.

            I'm also reading The End of the Affair. It was assigned reading material for my very last Philosophy class, and during the semester I resorted to watching the film instead of reading the book out of laziness. But I instantly regretted this when, before an exam, I read a couple of pages. It is absolutely irresistible. So I bought myself a copy and am currently enjoying it from the comforts of my own bed. The copy sadly set me back some 640 pesos (sorry, parents!) but I had to buy it because this book is so freaking rare and also a very delicious read. I love Maurice Bendrix. I feel like he is me, or like I am him, only he is a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better writer.

P.S. Thank you, Jules, for the extra push I needed to get back to writing!


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