trivial post #5. with pictures.

Oh no. Looks like I'm beginning to fall short on my promise to update regularly. I am regressing into a state of blogging coma. But as much as I'd like to return to the regularity of my blogging back in first year, I guess that I've realized since then that there actually are far more important things on this earth than my blog. Like thesis. Or a social life. Or white chocolate macadamia cookies. Mmm.

Anyway, I'll make this quick since it's 12 AM now and I have made an appointment with Rap to go jogging at 6. Ugh.

Last Friday
was ARSAfest (AKA Sinulog in Ateneo)! A much-needed break from all the work we had to do that week. And yes, that is water I'm holding.

Leo vlogged about the party here.

Last Saturday
after our Physio exams, Anton, Rap, and I drove to the Yuchengco Museum in Makati to pick up some photos from Jacob Maentz, a photographer dedicated to documenting the lives of indigenous peoples in the Philippines. He's a really nice person and his photos are all amazing. Check them out on his site! These photos went up on display at Habi, an exhibit on indigenous people's cultures that Rap headed. More on that later.

Last Monday
marked the opening of the exhibit. Here's what it looked like:

There's a funny story (well not ha-ha funny, just interesting funny) behind the exhibit, because these pictures weren't part of Rap's original vision for the project. I just chanced upon Jacob Maentz's work on indigenous cultures ( in the in-flight magazine during my flight to Manila and then passed on his website to Rap. The exhibit was originally supposed to feature musical instruments, but in the end it became a photo exhibit with some indigenous artifacts. I think it turned out for the best.

Inspired by Jacob's work, I started documenting a couple of indigenous people myself.

We're all indigenous peoples, aren't we?

Thesis work followed that night. We ordered some McDo, worked through the night at JSEC, and then called it quits at 12 AM because we still had a 7 AM class later that day.

Unhealthy food for the Health Sci kids.

It was freezing that night, which explains why we're all wearing jackets except Rap.

Here's a photo from Roch:

Doc Henri, our thesis adviser, gave us just a couple more minor edits to make to the paper and it's good to defend!!! She even said to start looking for journals so that we can get published. HOLY MOLY THAT'S SOME SWEET NEWS.

Our manuscript took practically two years to write, and the endless cycle of revisions is coming to a halt! I cannot wait to be freeeee

Speaking of free, it's officially February 1 as I write this. 28 more days until we're done with the last semester of our college lives. OH MY GOD I don't think I'm ready!

P.S. It's 1 AM as I write this and I probably am not going to wake up in time for jogging.


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