this week's plates: poster designs

My dog-themed business card did pretty well in last week's design class contest. It did so well that it got me an exemption for 1 out of 3 submissions this week! Yay!

This week we we had to do 3 poster designs for either Ibong Adarna, El Filibusterismo, or Noli Mi Tangere. The catch is that one poster needs to make use of photomanipulation, one makes use of only graphics (i.e. no photographs), and the last one has to be based off an actual historical poster. I picked Ibong Adarna because I figured it was the easiest to represent, and I chose not to do the graphics-only poster, since I suck at illustrations.

Initially Sir Marcelo made us submit the 3 posters on the day that he announced the assignment, but fortunately he was nice enough to push the deadline back by 4 days. Thank God. I was so busy studying for my Saturday Physio exam that I would've totally ignored the design project (because I am determined to give  my 110% to Physio). 

Buuuuut because Saturday was Games Night and Sunday was my Recover From Physio Day, I put off working on my plates until 4 hours before the deadline.

In my rush (and frustration because my laptop was acting weird and Photoshop was running unbearably slowly), I produced these. They're so blech. I'm not proud of these but I'm posting anyway just for the sake of updating my blog. So here, my two plates:


I got the picture below by googling "antique poster." I don't know the historical significance of it (and frankly I'm too tired to care) but I know it came from this link.

I used this picture as the inspiration behind my poster:

Yeah. Looks like a kid did it. But whatever! I am past caring.

Good night world!


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