
I really like graphic design, even though I'm not very good at it. That's something I've only gotten the courage to say now. I like browsing through other people's works and figuring out for myself what looks good and what doesn't. One of my favorite things to do when I'm inspired is to put on some music and immerse myself in Photoshop. Sometimes I'm so absorbed in a specific project that I'll let an entire day pass before realizing how late it's gotten. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing much design work outside my school requirements (like Global Health infographics) and Health Sci promos. That's why I want to devote the next two weeks to improving my style. By the way I feel really silly saying this as if I were a legit graphic designer. I can imagine my legit graphic designer friends looking at this post and scoffing at me. Pardon me, masters, for I am an eager n00b. Designing is just something I really enjoy doing, and I really wan...