
Screw your fancy shmancy Boracay trips! For my summer vacation I went to Initao. That's right. Initao. Never heard of it? I'm not surprised. You're just not cool enough for this beach.

Yes, this beach. See that shabby-looking tower over there? It holds up the other end of a zip line cord. You actually get to zipline right into the sea. (Tip: Don't wear slippers.)

Speaking of slippers...

Gigantic slippers randomly turn up on the shore.

Now for some more pictures:

Does your cozy Boracay resort sell SOUVINERs? Didn't think so.

Okay. Enough about Initao. I bet you're drooling already, like my nephew Zac:

And speaking of babies, here's my brother Jiggy:

Now look at my awesome Various Branches.

Now for some more Jiggy.

And Caitlin.

And a bunch of other stuff:

(^ We didn't actually go on a Secret Adventure. We just stopped here for lunch. But I hear this is a nice place to zip line [I say "zip line" so much in this post, it's as if it's the only thing to do here {It is.}] )

The Laguindingan Airport. See you in May. 


  1. Hahaha bwiset na souviner yan.

  2. Laguindingan! See you in May too!!!! :))

    1. Minus one hour from your trip. Plus one to mine. :)) u_u

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