Last night

While my friends were at "the biggest party of the year," I stayed home alone with some KFC take out, some mango ice cream, and a folder full of Friends reruns.

I went to bed at 11:30.

Today I feel better than I ever have in weeks. Thank you God. 


  1. Replies
    1. You're a terrific friend, Andy. Thank you! You will be repaid in Tic Tacs and good karma!

  2. I just read your blog post about choosing your university and I remember reading your dilemma about the clothes that you will wear in Ateneo. I also plan to study there and I also don't know how I could even manage my clothes to wear everyday... Did you buy more clothes?

    1. Hi! Yes I did! Before I came to the Ateneo, my mom and I went out and bought clothes that I thought would help me fit in better. Now, those clothes are just sitting at the bottom of my closet!

      My advice is to invest in slippers that have straps that connect to your ankles. Some places in school have a dress code, and these are the only kinds of slippers that are allowed. :))

  3. Do you still have problems on what to wear to school? Are Ateneans really judgmental and expect to see their blockmates dressed in gorgeous clothes every day? Or is it easier to fit in that what was expected?

    1. I do have problems about my wardrobe, actually. :)) I often come to school in jeans, a shirt, and some comfy flats, but on some days I prefer to dress up by wearing a cardigan (if the weather is chilly), or a skirt (if the weather is warm).

      In general, Ateneans are definitely not judgmental! The school encourages people to come in simple but presentable attire. So majority of Ateneans (myself included) wear sneakers, jeans, and a regular shirt to school. Some just even wear jogging pants and slippers.

      And then there are the few "pang-Lookbook" people. There are girls who wear miniskirts and tank tops paired with a large accessories. There are guys who wear fitting shorts and sandos.

      When you're dressed plainly, it's easy to think that you're going to have a hard time fitting in with the sosyal-looking kids. But what people wear says only a tiny amount about the totality of who they are, so the clothes you wear will definitely not determine who you will and will not fit in with.

      Yes, it was definitely hard for me to fit in, but it wasn't because I didn't dress up. What helped me to feel like I belonged was making friends with like-minded people in my block. :)

      If you want to dress up, by all means go ahead. College is the perfect time to experiment with your fashion styles. :)

  4. Do you repeat your blouses in the same month as well? One doesn't get judged in Ateneo with how much clothes he/she has? :O

    1. Yeah of course I repeat blouses in the same month. Everyone does. :)) In my experience, no, people don't really care how much clothes you have. :))

  5. Do they care how much your family earns a year? Do they care if one has a driver or is only a commuter?

    1. Seriously, nobody cares. Well, nobody I know. :))

      I actually think that coming from a poorer family gives you cool points. (Not that cool points really matter anyway.)

  6. How did you make friends before college even started?

    1. Before college? You mean high school? :))

      I don't know... I honestly don't. :)) I usually don't go out of my way to make friends. Some friends in high school pulled me into their world, and I enjoyed being in that world, and that's how we got to be best friends.

  7. Before college meaning before the school year started. :)) Reading your previous blogs, it seemed like you met some of your friends through the internet even before the OrSem. Who initiated the conversations?

    1. Ooooh. Yeah I met my blockmates online :D Some of them added me up first on Facebook. I added some of them up first. :))

      They initiated the conversations because I suck at conversations. It was a fun time! We got each others' YM's and then we'd chat about random things. :))

      But yeah, they had to be the ones to talk to me first. I'm an introvert. :))

  8. How many students are accepted in BS Health Sciences every year?

    1. I don't know the exact number, but usually it's between 90-100 :)

  9. BS Community Nutrition in UP or BS Health Sciences in Ateneo for pre-med?

    1. Sorry for the late reply!

      The choice is yours, of course. Only you can decide what's best for you.

      But in my case, I'd go with Ateneo, Health Sci. :)

  10. Hello, ate! I was searching for details about the Health Sciences program when I found your blog. If I pursue BS Health Sciences in Ateneo, do I have to take additional subjects / electives in order to qualify for a med school in the Philippines?

    1. That's the really cool thing about Health Sci. It has all the units you're gonna need for any med school. :)

      You do have the choice to take up Physiology or not your fourth year. Take it, it can be credited as a bio subject for med schools like St. Lukes. :)

  11. Do you have management subjects in BS Health Sciences?

    1. Yeah! The management subjects in the core curriculum are LS (Leadership and Strategy) and Resource Management (also called Accounting).

    2. Many Health Sci majors take a Development Studies elective called Project Management.

  12. As a pre-med course, do you think BS Health Sciences is better than BS Life Sciences? Are you going to have a better chance of getting into ASMPH with BS HSc? Do you think the subjects tackled in BS HSc are enough to prepare you for med school or is BS LSc better in that aspect? Sorry for these questions but, hey it's my first time. :))

    1. Whether BS HSc or LSc is better depends on what you want, really. I think they're both equally awesome courses.

      I don't know whether the course you pick lends you a better chance of getting into ASMPH. But I do know that a lot of Health Sci kids eventually do end up in ASMPH.

      In fact the ASMPH curriculum builds up on the curriculum of Health Sci. So I do think that HSc will help you to prepare for med school in ASMPH better than Life Sci will.

      But of course I am biased. I talked to some med students from UERM, and they say that when it comes to med school, the playing field is leveled and it doesn't really matter anymore what subjects you took in college, or what course you came from. :)

  13. If you got your first choice course in UP Diliman, would you have chosen it over Ateneo?

    1. That is if I were a high school graduate. Knowing what I know now, I'd pick Ateneo.

  14. Do you know any private companies who gives scholarships to students who want to study in Ateneo?

    1. Petron, I think. And Meralco? I'm not sure about that one. I got mine from BPI, and you can apply for one too if you have a parent who works there. :)

  15. Hi! Can you suggest/do you know blogs of people studying BS MIS? Thank youuuuuuuuu n.n

    1. Hey! Let me refer you to my friend Gabo. :)

  16. Why would you pick Ateneo if you were a high school graduate again? What are the things that you know now that makes you want to choose Ateneo over UP?

    1. A lot of things. The state of the facilities here is much better than in UP. In general, teachers care more for their students in Ateneo than in UP (I hear a lot of things from UP friends!). UP is a bigger campus and it's harder to get from class to class. Ateneo suits my personality just fine. It's cozy here.

      Most of all though, it's the people I met in Ateneo. They changed my life. :)

  17. Before you went to Ateneo, you were afraid of how the people will treat you, their fashion, etc, right? Were you wrong?

    1. Yeah, I was afraid of that. And yes I was wrong. :) I thought that once people found out I came from the provinces, they would judge me. But that never really happened. The only time it did is when one of my friends said he was surprised that I spoke English so well, given that I'm from Mindanao. -_-

  18. What are the things that you came to love about Ateneo that if you were given a chance to be a fourth year high school student choosing a university, you would choose Ateneo over UP even though before, you would have chosen UP?

    1. Reason 1. Ateneo life is cushy. In UP, you either sink or swim.

      Teachers in UP are paid a fixed wage, so they get paid the same amount regardless of whether they do a good job or a bad job of teaching their students. Salaries of teachers in Ateneo are partly dependent on the evaluations they receive from their students and peers. Thus, if you were a teacher, you're more motivated to perform better because of your paycheck in Ateneo than in UP.

      I'm not saying Ateneo teachers are better than UP teachers. It's just that Ateneo teachers really do involve themselves more. Some UP teachers don't even show up in classes (or so I heard from various UP students).

      Reason 2. Health Sci is awesome. It's the perfect course for me.

      Reason 3. Rap Abacan. And all the other awesome people I have met because I picked Ateneo over UP.

  19. What are the differences between BS HSc and BS LSc?

    1. Health Sci is a health course. It combines management and public health.

      Life Sci is a biology course. You get to specialize in specific fields of biology (like microbiology) when you reach your 3rd year.

    2. You might be wondering what the difference between biology and health is.

      Biology is a component of health. When you study health, you're not just looking at a person's anatomy, you're looking at a complex network of factors that led to a person's disease. For example, a poor farmer's wife dies in childbirth. You don't examine simply the parts of her body that failed to keep her alive. You examine the context in which she lived - how close to a delivering center she was, how much nutritious food she was eating while she was pregnant, whether or not she could afford to deliver in a hospital, whether or she had access to a balanced diet. Stuff like that.

      It's really awesome.

  20. You opted for the Life Science and Biology course when you took the exam in Ateneo, right? Do you feel like you made the better choice by choosing Health Science in the end?

    1. Yeah, I did pick Health Sci over Bio and Life Sci.

      And yes, I definitely do. I am extremely happy with the choice I made. :)

  21. Why are you "much, much better off in Ateneo"? What makes it so wonderful to love it more than UP? // This was commented on your blog post entitled University of the Philippines Diliman as well. :)

    1. Oh yes, I did see that comment and I was starting to reply to it :))

      To answer this question, see my reply to the third commenter above you. :)

  22. Sorry for being a bother but in my defense, this is my first time to ask a question about Ateneo! Hahaha. Anyway, are there still commuters in the Ateneo? I feel like if I choose Ateneo over UP, I will be bullied or something for being a commuter. :(

    1. Not a bother at all. :)

      Yes of course there are commuters in Ateneo. Tons. Some travel via LRT from as far as Binondo. I promise, it's not a big deal. Stop stressing out about whether people will bully or judge you based on silly little reasons such as how you get to school or how you dress. :)) It doesn't matter in college. I swear.

  23. You have a summer sem? :O

    1. Me, yes. Every single year :))

      Some courses don't. Mostly it's the SOSE courses that do. :)

  24. Do you still have a summer break? How long?

    1. 4 weeks long. 2 weeks are before summer sem, and 2 weeks are after summer sem. :)

  25. Do you have blockmates that can speak in English fluently but is more accustomed to speaking in Filipino?

  26. Do you have thesis in BS Health Sci po? I bet its FUN FUN FUN! Can't wait to do mine!


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