frozen yogurt and guano

I really don't have anything interesting to write about, seeing as today was a relatively trivial day... Or was it?

This morning I went jogging around campus with my fitness buddy, Rap. We went into the foresty parts behind the Covered Courts. If you haven't been on a walk there yet, you absolutely should, because the lesser-visited parts of Ateneo are really beautiful. Had I only a camera with me I would've posted pictures here for you all to see. But I guess you guys will just have to discover these places yourselves.

After jogging, I had Environmental Sciences, where we talked about the process of selecting a mate. It was a really interesting class. Dr. Espiritu said that when boys tell you that the most attractive thing about you is  your "values" or "intelligence", they're lying. It's all hips and boobies for them. The bottomline is, MEN SUCK!

Then there was Biochem, which was also a really interesting class, where we reviewed some stuff about DNA and genes. Okay it doesn't sound all that interesting. But you'll be surprised at how fun DNA can be. 

After lunch, I had to do community service with ADSA. The violation: applying for an ID late. At first I was resentful for being given a punishment for such a petty crime, but this afternoon I was handed a delicious, piping-hot slice of revenge pie. The office was full to the brim with students like me, waiting to serve their sentences for late ID applications. The ADSA staff was forced to think up jobs to give to everyone. Eventually, because there were so many people there and so little jobs to go around, ADSA just gave up and told some people that their job was to "watch over" everyone. WHAT!?

Lucky (or unlucky?) for me, my job wasn't as useless. I got to work at the desk where people claim their new ID's. I got to use the beepy scanner thing that scans the ID barcodes! It was a dream I never realized I had. And I met cool people, too. I win, ADSA.

The last order of business for the day was to go study for the Biochem test tomorrw at Red Mango. I hate shelling out so much money for a cup of frozen yogurt, but I feel like I don't have any other choice, seeing that all the other restaurants serve unhealthy food. Why yes, I am *ahem* watching my figure. 

Anyway, I have a test to study for. I shouldn't even be online right now, but I told myself it's all right, I've been preparing for this test since last week. 

Chyeah. If you call this "preparing":
"Guanine -> guano -> bat poop -> found in caves -> fish live in caves -> Guanine looks like a fish"


  1. guanoooo. from batterflies they are. yes.

  2. Heeeee. Thanks Sonya!

    And OMG hi Cheryl! :))

  3. hi aimeeeee :)))) I miss you. u_u

  4. Wait so that anon who said the thing about the batterflies wasn't you!? :U

    Miss u 2! still have your goggles :))


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