
Showing posts from July, 2011


       Before I start to  rant any further, please take a minute and a half to watch this awesome Fiamma Fresh Fridays trailer made by the awesome production team of Loyola Film Circle using "over 4,500 shots" (I'm assuming that they're talking about "shots" as in, pictures). Go watch. Fiamma Fresh Fridays Teaser from miguel gutierrez on Vimeo .        I love the video. I love the soundtrack. I especially love the editing. The video alone is awesome. The hardcore party lifestyle that it shows, however, I'm not too fond of.        Okay, okay, I know some of you are reading this and going AWW MAN, THIS AIMEE PERSON SUCKS. SHE BE HATIN', and that's perfectly fine with me, BECAUSE I REALLY AM HATIN'!!!! PARTYING SUCKS!!! Kidding. If you like partying then by all means, go party.        Anyway, the point of showing you the video was to illustrate what most people outside Manila (well, my frien...

blogging when you have a post lab report due in four hours

How's this for frequent updating, huh? :D Okay, yes, I have something better to do at the moment (a post-lab report which is due in five hours) but I figured I'd take a break from... whatever it was I was doing before I wrote this (procrastinating) to update my blog. (If I am putting off procrastinating does that mean I'm doing work, or slacking off even more?) Not much has happened since my last post (which was only two days ago), but there were a lot of things I forgot to mention in my previous entry. These are conversations, mighty interesting ones at that, that I keep going back to in my mind recently. For instance, Cheryl , Jules, Arthur and I were once talking about The Sims, and about all the things we made our Sims do. Then we talked about how God might be controlling us in the same way we control our Sims. Like, you know how you can walk into a room and then forget what you were supposed to do there? That's God clicking Cancel on your action. And then we ...

blogging as procrastination

Goodness. Why do I always get the urge to write at the most inconvenient of times? (Tonight's answer: I just wanna put off reading the Sociology and Anthropology handouts.) Anyway, I just got back from the LFC Doc & Pub Committee General Assembly. There was so much sushi. Too bad my chopstick control is sub-par. u_u Today for Bio we spent an entire hour watching a documentary called Endangered Tales , which is quite fanciful a name for such a mildly interesting film. When I say "mildly interesting" I mean that the only parts I paid attention to were the parts with actual animals and colorful plants. I think two-year-olds have longer attention spans than I do. Oooh look, a dorm cat! Also today we had Organic Chemistry Lab wherein we had to do all sorts of labby things. The main point of it was to separate and extract benzoic acid from naphthalene. While doing the labby things I was thinking about our ex-Chemistry teacher, Sir Unsay , and about all the other certifi...

having so much work to do

        Being a sophomore entitles you to one thing: the right to bully freshmen. Yes. You heard me. If you are a second year student, you have all the right in the world to look down at those in the lower batch, and scoff at them, and mock them, and make them feel inferior to you. Go ahead, Sophomore. You've earned it.       I am, of course, kidding. Nobody has a right to bully anyone. Except Kath Uy, because it is her birthday tomorrow and she is turning eighteen and she can bully the heck out of anyone she wants. ADVANCED HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATH! :D        So, sorry for the very delayed post. I HAVE BEEN SO BUSY. Everyone has. If you are a freshman, be sure to cherish every single waking moment that you spend NOT studying or NOT doing org work.       Here's what I've been busy with: (click to enlarge the busyness) I've been moonlighting as a "graphic" "artist" for the Health Sciences Society.  (Check ou...