summer plans

I found out yesterday from Alessi that our last exam is on the 23rd! (Yeah, I haven't gotten around to checking the March calendar yet.) My flight's on the 26th (with Gerard!), so that gives me three extra days of ~COMPLETE IDLENESS~ woohoo.

So anyway. I'm really excited to go home. It's just two weeks though, and after that, TWO MONTHS of summer classes. Which means I'll have to fly all the way back to sweltering Manila to take up the TWO SUBJECTS that I and the rest of the Health Sci majors are required to take. Gahh. I can feel the heat waves reverberating towards me from the future.

Right. Lest I digress any further, here are some of my (our) ~summer plans~ roflmao

Go home and be happy as a bee for two weeks!

Take Psychology and German. -_-
Take the Carlos Celdran tour around Manila! n_n
Sign up for PAWS! At last!
Light up some environmentally destructive floating lanterns, and then later lecture everyone on how they've just killed a baby seal.
Take the finals (a day before my eighteenth birthday!)
Go home (on my eighteenth birthday!)

I wanna do something really crazy on my birthday too. Like wear a dress on the plane going home (ooh, that's really crazy) so that I can emerge all Mia Thermopolis-like.

Such a sissy wish (say that ten times ("that ten times")), but hey, let me be happy, whydoncha.

. . .

I said in my previous post that I wouldn't be posting as frequently, and yet here I am again online. I really shouldn't be. I haven't done a lot today.

What I have done today:
Gave my comments on Jessica and Cheryl's essays (Jac Lin, you're up next!)
"Read" some of the two essays required for English (my mind drifted off a lot, so it took me almost half my day)
Solved one problem for Math.

What I need to do today:
Solve the other four problems for Math.
Comment on Jac Lin's essay.
Finish poem (?), deadline of which is unclear
READ read the two essays required for English.

Ahhhh why am I so scatter-brained? 


  1. Carlos Celdran Tour <3

    The Intramuros is really really really awesome

  2. comment on top of this one fail!
    "THE" Intramuros!? it's just Intramuros!

  3. its "the" intramuros because he has other tours pa :> like CCP, Binondo and Corregidor

    I was pointing to the Celdran Tours

  4. Karlo: Have you taken a Celdran tour? :O Was Carlos Celdran himself the tour guide? :)) (okay dumb question, but I do wanna know)

    Anon: Nah, it sounds fine. Just like when we say "The" Ateneo. :)


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