not counting the reasons i should stay

Right now, I can feel only two things: disappointment and exhaustion. I'm disappointed in myself for not having worked harder, and I'm exhausted because... I'm working harder to make up for my laziness? Nah. If I were, then I wouldn't be blogging right now. My forehead would be resting on a Chemistry book instead of parallel a laptop screen. 

Anyway, I cannot sleep until I update this thang, so here goes. My English/Literature class, section MO2, has been preparing for our Lit play. We're doing "Portrait of an Artist as a Filipino," written by Nick Joaquin (and masterfully abridged by Mika and Ali!). 

Today we went over to Jessica's house for rehearsals and for props making. In case you were wondering (and I highly doubt you were), I'm working as both an actor and a props person. It's not easy, especially since I've got tons and tons of lines to memorize - huge, dizzying chunks of text that I must jam into my limited memory.

Kidding. I've got only two lines. But hey, there aren't any small parts, just small actors, right? What would become of the play if not for that crucial moment when I announce, "Look, the procession." (My other line is much more dramatic: "And me!") 

Anyway. Jessica's house is so beautiful. Thanks again for having us over! She fed us crackers and cream cheese and I was in heaven. 
Deo, Lara, Garri and Jandro. Just chillin'.
. . .

I don't think I'll be able to post very frequently in the coming two weeks (because it's FINALS TIEMZ), so here's a three-minute video that I made for my friend Aiza's eighteenth birthday to attempt to make up for my future dormancy (although I don't see how it'll make up for anything):


  1. turn on the nitro! don't be so damn lazy! cause if you become lazy, i'll probably become lazy too. THEN WE'RE ALL SCREWED.

  2. Lol why does it have to include "Panayam" in the preview of the video?


    Joseph: Hahahaha! I don't know why. In other previews, it's my face. :)) Better "Panayam" than my face. :))


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