
        Short post, since I'm taking a break from cramming Chem things that are "not useful in everyday lives" (our teacher's words, not mine) to write and to breathe and mostly to distract myself from the fact that if I wanted to get an A on this test, I should've spent four of my past Saturdays in the library, reading the crumbly old Chem books that our teacher so loves to peruse.

      Nobody did say that getting an A would be easy. Where did I ever get that idea? I used to do so well in high school, but now I'm no different from Sir Jake's favorite crispy, yellowed tomes. Hayyyy.

     (Speaking of crispy, here's an awesome new food blog that all Katipuneros and Katipuneras should check out!)

     Okay. Break time's over. See you guys in hell.

So much potential
Potential potential po-
The blank page beckons.


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