
     I know that there's a million better things I could be doing right now instead of blogging (on a Friday afternoon prior to two huge exams at that), but my writing impulses have been coming few and far in between lately, so I just thought that once the moment I felt like writing arrived, I would seize it. And now, despite my unpreparedness for my two exams, I'm writing.

    . . .

    Then again, there's nothing to write about. I think I've lost the ability to make my normal days sound interesting. And just listen to me now, so somber and bland. Blergh.

   . . .

    Earlier I got a new comment on this blog entry I wrote last summer about Missy Bon Bon (yeah, the cutesy cafe in Cagayan de Oro), and the comment came from one of the blogs I feature in my blogroll, www.cdokay.com. It's an honor, really, and it's made me think that there's a good chance I'll get a bigger readership if I stop posting senseless, shallow posts like these and start writing about actual things that matter, like cutesy cafe's.

   Which brings me to wonder how on earth I get traffic on this site, when basically all I blog about is myself. In case you haven't noticed by now, this website is entirely me, me, me and my shallow thoughts. (I store my deeper, darker ideas somewhere else.)

    . . .

   Why am I still writing? Two hours before Math long test 2.
   I better go now. Bye.


  1. Lit midterms was a b*tch wasnt it?

  2. heyyyy. cheer up.

  3. Hmm. Are you who I think you are? Thank you for "censoring" yourself. :))

    Also, I'm fine, thanks! :D

  4. uhmmm who do yu think i am? :P

  5. okay, i'm sure that you, the guy who posted the :( smiley, are appeasement.

    and i am now certain that the first two comments are from a good friend of mine. thanks. :)

  6. uhmm i posted the first post and the :( one... :(


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