posts that are bitin

I was reading Rap's blog (<--- that is a link, go click it) and I was reminded of a conversation that I had with him and Jules yesterday, on the way to Ken Afford. See, there was supposed to be this huge street party over at the Ateneo dorms, but it was raining buckets so we ended up not going. The dormers, however, made the most of it by tossing away their umbrellas and partying in the rain.

And so I asked my friends when was the last time they ever did something like that. Dancing in the rain. Dancing, and not just walking, be it alone or with friends.

And now I can't help but ask, when was the last time you ever felt amazingly happy? Not just those brief, common "Oh, look, I found a shiny coin"-type of events, but those elsuive, genuine moments of pure ecstasy that can make people do cartwheels. Where time fast-forwards and goes in slow motion all at once. Where everything is beautiful in the world, everything, and even the most mundane of things, like the Katipunan traffic, becomes poetry.

While we're on the topic, when was the last time you ever did something for the first time?
I'll just leave you hanging right here.


  1. In ateneo, i failed a test on purpose bcos i knew it would be cancellable. That was a first. Its poetic really

  2. Yesterday I went bowling... 91 for my first game! Weeeee!!!

  3. Whenever I get a moment's peace preferably with nature. It give me time to think about life and how lucky I am to be part of the lives of everyone I know. :) HAIZ AIMZ!

  4. Anon: Well, not to encourage deliberately failing a test, but that's pretty daring. Congrats. :))

    (Joseph) Darwin: Oh yeah! Congrats on that too! What else happened? Were Sandy and Roseanne there as well? :D

    Andy: HAIZ ANDY! Moment's peace, preferably with nature? How often does that happen in Manila?:))

  5. Well, in Ateneo, it's not THAT unlikely.

  6. Aiiiim, I love your posts. ;__; Reading your blog is never a waste of time.

    We experience every single day the first time, because every day is something new and different from the last. 8D

    Moments of peace with nature happens a lot in Manila!!! (Like, ahem, I have my friends the trees.) But really, even if inhaling Carbon monoxide and methane gases is something that happens on a daily basis, something as simple as marveling at real live poinsettia counts, right? :))

  7. Yeah. So much foliage in Ateneo @-)
    Take that, La Salle.

  8. but everyone in manila gets iron poisoning in their lungs, people who've lived in manila all their lives get as high as 90% percent iron poisoning. Not even ateneo's trees can fix that

  9. Whoops. My previous comment was for Andy.

    Cher bear: Thank you so much ;_; Yeah. This moment right now is the oldest we've ever been, and the youngest we will ever be. ;_;

    =)) Oh God. Your happy tree friends again. =)) And of course that poinsettia thing counts. It would count even if you weren't constantly inhaling monoxide!

    Anon: Are you sure about your statistics? 90% is quite a number of people. :))

  10. its a reference from my paper 4 eng 12 last sem? did u want me 2 cite it?

  11. oh wow. i didn't open that link because of the really slow internet speed, but okay. :))

  12. lol ok ;) soOo hows ur research paper going? I wont be that appeased if u say not well :(

  13. First time... I transferred a Blogger blog (my husband's) today to a custom domain. Thankfully, I survived the technical tutorials but my nose is a bloody mess.

    Uh, yeah, that made me happy... The fact that it did is a reflection of how far down I've sunk into an alternate dimension.

    You're in Ateneo now? That means I must now officially be ancient. You were barely out of your nappies when we first met. Hehe

  14. Anon: We're done with it! I got a D for my first draft ._. I don't know what's gonna happen to the final one. Plus we're going to have an oral defense pa. GULP.

    Grace: OH LOOK I'M CALLING YOU BY YOUR FIRST NAME NOW :D Hihihihihi. How did you find this blog? :D I know you're too hipster to have a Facebook. Hahaha!

    Yes, I'm in Ateneo now. Wee! If I remember correctly, you advised me to go to Ateneo and not UP because "my morals will be swayed if they're not strong enough." Haha.

    I hope you're still happy, Ma'am, I mean, Grace. :3 Regards to your two beautiful children!


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