earning 10 points for Ravenclaw

It's been such a lazy week. Just a quick recap of all the events that have transpired:

Sunday, Jan 23 
        I told myself I'd get to watching (from start to end) the movies my friends have been so kind to give me copies of. So I watched Tokyo Godfathers and Black Swan. I thought both movies were genius (don't I feel like AC now). Lesson learned: In the future, it is best to have friends around when watching creepy, psycho-thirller movies. After seeing Black Swan by myself, I carried a pair of scissors around with me whenever I had to step out into the hallway.

Monday, Jan 24 
        I got an A on my Lit midterms! I was on Cloud 9. I haven't gotten an A in a very, very long time.
        Our Intact session that day was pretty cool - we had to close our eyes and imagine ourselves having a peaceful walk through a forest with Jesus. We had to picture Jesus taking our hands and placing a gift in the center of our palms. For some reason I don't understand, Jesus gave me an orange net filled with smooth, flat, shiny, wet, perfect rocks. What does it mean? @-) Could it be God telling me that I need to polish my faith until it becomes as smooth, shiny and perfect as the rocks? Or is it maybe God's amusing way of telling me to "rock" on? *bangs head on table*
        Lunch at Manang's was cool. The Block used to have Manang's Fridays last sem, where we'd all eat lunch together after PE (even if we do have different PE's). Now that it's the second sem and we have second sem schedules, Manang's Fridays have been moved to Wednesday. Which is rather convenient for me, because it's right after my fencing (at which I suck!). 
      At 4:30, Rap and I went to a ~Loyola Film Circle~ screening of Dagim! The plot was dark and sinister; don't watch it if you've got a weak stomach. The film itself was very well-made though. The visuals were stunning, and the score was perfect. (LFC is going to have a seminar about writing good movie reviews soon. For the time being, you'll just have to bear with these adjectives.) The best part? Marc Abaya was in it, AND WE GOT TO MEET HIM!!!11!!
I will never wash that shirt again.

          We got to meet the director, Joaquin Valdes, as well, and he was a really nice guy. He and Marc (Mr. Abaya?) were really open to answering our questions, no matter how *ahem* silly *ahem* some of them sounded. 

          It was a pretty good day, for a Monday. 

Tuesday, Jan 25

          I'm usually in a chipper mood when I wake up on Tuesdays, because our first class of the day is at 1:30. Which would mean I can wake up at 9 and still be early for class, right?
          WRONG. I came in after Ginoong Atienza, our new Filipino teacher, called my name for attendance, and so I was marked absent that day. Gahh. We had a quiz about Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros (awesome movie, by the way), and it reminded me of that scene in El Filibusterismo where Placido Penitente is marked absent by Padre Millon, his Physics teacher, even though he is physically present. Padre Millon then gives the class a quiz, and Placido says something like, "How can an absent person take a quiz?" and then storms out of the room.
          Of course, I remained in my seat and gratefully took the quiz.
          After Filipino, we gathered at Manang's yet again to cram for the Chem 12 long test. No use. No amount of studying could have prepared ANYBODY for that test! It was insane. Sir Jake was really nice about it though. Towards the final minutes of the exam, when people were starting to audibly lose their minds, Sir Jake went around "comforting" us by saying, "Don't worry class, everything is going to be all right." So nice. ಥ_ಥ It reminded me of our last Chem 7 test, when he went around the room passing ChocNut to everybody. :D
          I think everybody felt pretty sad after the test. I threw a pity party for myself at Ken Afford and then spent the rest of the night seeking solace in the words of Harper Lee. (I've been reading To Kill a Mockingbird since last month. I am a slow reader. Feel free to judge me.)

Wednesday, Jan 26
          Sir Pulan surprised all of Eng/Lit MO2 by asking us, "Have you gotten started on your play? You have only four weeks left." Sooo it looks like the whole class is putting on a play! Yay! I don't know what we're going to be doing yet, but Deo has thankfully taken the initiative of looking up some links of good one-act plays. (It was decided through Facebook comment that it would be best for the class if we grabbed the script from an existing play instead of building one from scratch.)
          At Manang's, discussions were waged regarding the true cause of Audrey Hepburn's death, what makes nuts nuts("If nuts are fruits, then why do they call it 'Fruit and Nut' and not 'Fruit'?" "You can't base your arguments off a candy bar!"), and how Hufflepuff is a relatively lame house.
          And that, sadly, was the highlight of my day.

Thursday, Jan 27
          We were supposed to do our qualitative analysis of anions today, but since Sir Jake wasn't around, we got to wake up late and go to Escaler Hall for some problem solving instead, c/o Sir Unsay! In hindsight, it was a pretty fun Chem 11 session. 
          After that, Deo wanted to try out this Monster Burger challenge over at the SOSS fair in which, if you manage to consume this huge half-pound burger in four minutes or less, you get it free. Otherwise, you pay P140. Deo has yet to man up to this challenge.
          The SOSS fair is so cool. There was free ice cream and free massages! I only got the ice cream though. I'm too ticklish to enjoy being massaged.
          Issa, Jules, Rap and I got free SOSS ballers as well, but in exchange, we had to pledge something on the Wall-E ("Wall of Empowerment and Engagement"). We ended up spending half an hour thinking up an awesome enough pledge, and in the end, we decided on "We pledge to have a lame pledge."
         I know. How lame, right? Well that probably means that we're the first group to fulfill what they pledged! (<-- that sentence confuses me) Other stuff written on the Wall of Empowerment and Engagement: I pledge to stop smoking when I'm 30. I pledge to be awesome. I pledge to be more awesome than the person who pledged to be awesome. Seriously. We won!
       Okay not really. The prize for the photo with the most likes on Facebook is a four-day trip to Boracay! So, if it's too much of a bother, could you visit this link right here-
 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=184554284909969&set=a.184265854938812.40965.100000661952996 - and like our lame photo? :D If it's all right with you, that is. We will be so grateful if you dooooo :D

       And I guess that pretty much concludes my week so far. Tomorrow is Jani's birthday! Yay! Pizza party! Yay! And this Saturday we're going on an outreach to Bagong Silang. It's going to be the first of many, many trips we're going to be making to the place. (The Ateneo Health Sciences Program and Gawad Kalinga are working with a five-year program to improve the health care system in Bagong Silang, the largest barangay in the Philippines.)
     And now, I'm out. I'll just leave this link here again, in case you've forgotten about it. :D


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