another night before another flight

Hello, dear reader! This is me attempting to make conversation with you! *smiles and waves Hi!*
So... *cough* Uh... *awkward pause*
How have you been? *polite smile* :)
Me? Oh, nothing much. *small chuckle* Internetz. Food. You know, the usual! *shrugs*
*weird silence*
Okay. *shifty eyes* Well, talk to you later then! *forced smile* *waves Bye!*
. . .

Sorry. I'm procrastinating. Please allow me to. I am troubled.

My flight back to Manila is tomorrow, and it's another one of those nights where I feel like I'm supposed to make the most out of my time here at home-

And eww. I rolled over and sat on a plate of pansit grease.
And I just blogged about it. Lolzzzzzzz

Sigh. My mom's making me pack my stuff. This is the part I worry about every time I come home: having to pack up.

I should've brought a bigger bag. I won't be able to bring all my Christmas gifts now.

. . .

Around this time tomorrow, I'll be back in my dorm room again, eating siomai for dinner and watching How I Met Your Mother reruns on my laptop. Hello, normalcy.

Wait, what!? Manila is not normalcy. Home is.
I am normal right now. I won't be tomorrow.

Right now I am but a girl in front of her laptop, absent-mindedly typing words, letters, and phrases, thinking about the new puppy that's going to be joining her family tonight. Will he still remember me when I get back from Manila? (OH MY GOD, THAT'S STILL THREE MONTHS AWAY! THREE MONTHS!!!)

Tomorrow I will be the girl who has a whoooole lot of homework to get started on. And when I roll over on my bed, there won't be a plate of leftover pansit grease for me to sit on. It'll just be bed.

And the day after that, I'll be seeing my friends again! That's the only thing I'm looking forward to right now. Well that, and the puppy.
. . .

Oh, right. Before I digress any further, I'd like to give a big welcome on behalf of the entire blogosphere to our newest blogger, Andy! And welcome back, Angelo! Yay. My blogroll is ~*expanding*~ now.
. . .

This post has been brought to you by shallow, incoherent thoughts.


  1. you better not pack it up. eh? eh?

  2. @Not Rap: A baby has just been punched.

    @ Aimee: See you on Wednesday. We might be getting a puppy too. :D

  3. YOU HAVE A PUPPY? 8DD That is forkin' awesome! \m/

  4. Sorry Aimee but I'm not looking for a blind dog; it might bump into cars or something.

  5. ACH, MINTY'S A GIRL. Samok kay bai.

  6. Jess: YES IT IS! Too bad I won't get to see her until March. :))

    Andy: Ooh. Burrrrn. :))

    Cait: How was I supposed to know at the time I wrote this!? :| Dich uy. Ikaw samok, bayot!


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