To be honest, I don't even remember if it's called Box OF Rice, or Box O' Rice. I hope it's Box O' Rice. It just sounds cooler that way. But anyway. I went there last Friday for dinner, and it was my first time there. It's a cozy little place right next to my dorm, and they serve exactly what their name implies: boxes of rice. Boxes of rice with toppings, of course. Emphasis on the word "boxes." Which means there are no plates involved. Which means you can bring the boxes in and out of the store as you please. I should've noted this earlier, because I embarrassed myself at the counter, telling the cashier TWICE that I wanted my box of rice "to go." Durrr. Boxed na. To go pa. Anyway, the food itself is good, for P60-P70 priced meals. My only complaint is that their meat-to-rice ratio needs a bit more tweaking. There's just so much rice, and so little of anything else! That's Pinoy portioning for you. Actually, the store don...
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