
       According to my laptop clock, it's 1:08 in the morning, and here I am, online and sprawled out on the bed in this very awkward and highly uncomfortable position, writing a blog entry and balancing my laptop when I should be asleep and dreaming about nice things that are preferably unicorns. Run-on sentences are becoming my thing.

     2010's coming to a close. I would like to make a comment on how my year went, but my mom always tells me to be careful of what I say, because other people have had an awful year. I don't want to hurt their feelings, or make them feel any sadder, so I will refrain from 2010-related discussions. Anyway, I think you can get a sense of how the year went for me by reading through all the lame things I have posted on this blog, even if I haven't exactly been writing every single day as I had originally intended to.

    Do I sound somber or what.

    Here is an ugly picture of a beautiful place, to brighten the mood:
Sunset at a beach in Cagayan de Oro 

Yeah. On Christmas Day, I went with my family to the beach as part of the obligatory Co family Christmas celebration (who goes to the beach on Christmas Day!?). The coldness felt amazing. My sister Caitlin and I went looking for shells (anybody wanna trade? ;)), and apparently we had to walk quite a distance to find some. After a while of mistakenly picking up plastic spoons that resembled oysters,  my mom called me up on my phone and the following conversation ensued:

Mom: Bea, where are you na?
Me: With Cait, picking shells.
Why can't I see you?
We walked pretty far.
Which side?
Left pohwz.
Come back na please.
Why? We're not done!
I'm scared you might not find your way back.
:| :| :| 
Come back na. You might get lost.
Mom, we walked in a straight line! :| :| :|

Anyway, my sister and I didn't want to waste our little excursion to the left of the resort, so we ran all the way to the end where a big stone wall separated beach from highway (yeah, the beach is not far from the city) and we reached up and touched stones (we made sure to touch ones that were high up because the ones on the bottom were probably peed on). 

After that, we met up with our parents halfway (so, yay, we didn't get lost whilst retracing our steps in a straight line). Mom and dad retired back to the table to play dorky charming party games with the relatives. Jiggy soon joined us on the beach. We all sat on the cold sand and talked and made up rhymes about a fat cat who got wet and went to the vet for meds that gave him two heads.

Christmas on the beach was nicer than I had expected. We had an amazing view of the night sky, and we had the waves as our soundtrack. At some point, my brother asked about how many grains of sand did we think there were on the beach, and it made me think about... things. Many, many things.
. . .

Sorry. I sound somber again. That picture of the beach didn't really help, did it? :|

To REALLY lighten the mood, here is the obligatory edited-by-mom Christmas photo of my family wearing santa hats, taken on Christmas eve at my lola's place where we gather every year for delicious noche buena, and this year there was a big fat delicious turkey and also some other delicious meats; like I said, run-on sentences are becoming a thing:

Also, yay look at us. We're all so ~*LaDy-LiKe*~ now! (Well, just ignore the clothes I'm wearing.)

Lastly, here is that turkey I mentioned: (Don't worry. That's just soda Jiggy's sipping.)

I really hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I promise to be more timely in greeting you through this blog for the New Year. :)


  1. I love how you spend your Christmas, Aim! >:D<

  2. Awww you had a really nice Christmas pala:) ako i got in a fight with my dad. hahaha merry Christmas again aim. i never get tired of greeting you have i haha:) -mj

  3. Beach na Lang tayo the next time I go there. :)) have a Happy New Year :p

  4. Cheryl: I love it too >:D< Hahaha!

    MJ: Really, man? Tell me about it tomorrow sa pizza party.:)) I never get tired of hearing your greetings anyway. Hahaha.

    Andy: Yeahhhh man! You have a happy new year too :D


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