sem ender

O HAI GAIZ! :D I'm home na pohwz! And I'm also too lazy to write anything. So, here are pictures from last Friday and last Saturday :D 

Left to right: Daryll, Me, Larz, Jason, Sean. Picture taken by Dahra, whose condo this was taken in! (Sorry we didn't get a good picture of you D: )

 UBE Sem-ender night at Katips Grill! Check out our awesome superhero masks.

I'd always wanted to do this light painting thing! (I'm the <3 ) 

P.S. I miss you, Block XX!  


  1. I love the zebra-print couch thing! xD

    And the superhero masks are mondo kewl B-)

    AND! Light painting! How do you do that! So cooool @-)

  2. O hai thar Jessicadizon :D

    I know right. I wanted to steal that couch :))
    The superhero masks also came with these balloon trumpet thingamajiggers :))

    Light painting @-) You just take a huge camera, slow its shutter speed and then draw in the air using a flashlight. EWAN. Albert did the technical stuff @-)

  3. Miss you tooo! >:D< I've been missing so much of Block XX! :(

  4. AWWWWWW! I miss you, Tin and Cheryl :(


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