Halloween eve eve

       So it's the night of October 30, which means I've exactly one week of sem break left to enjoy in Cagayan de Oro before it's off to Manila again for school. I've done nothing productive at all these past two weeks, and actually I don't intend to in the next week. But you know what? I've got absolutely no regrets. My thinking is that the unproductivity of my sem break will compensate for all the hard work I'll be putting into my second sem! :D Ehh? Ehh? :D

        Anyway. Halloween's coming up, and just what is transpiring in the Capinpuyan household this time of year? Well, like most Pinoy families, we're not doing anything. However, I can't say the same for the city of Cagayan de Oro, which seems to have suddenly joined in on the Halloween festivities.

       See, my worst nightmares have come true, for today in Cagayan de Oro City, A STARBUCKS WAS BORN. It sprouted up from the ground in the middle of a parking lot in Limketkai Mall. Chyeah. As if the city needs another expensive coffee franchise! And the horror does not end there. Noooo siree. Earlier, we were walking around in Ketkai, minding our own business, when suddenly, a wild Marks and Spencer appeared! It's super effective with its easily accessible location in the newly renovated wing of Ketkai!

      Sorry, I don't know the reason behind the sudden lame references.

      OH THAT'S RIGHT! The reason behind the sudden lame references: the writer for the Pokemon television series and first three feature films, Takeshi Shudo, passed away today at sixty-one years old. :'(  

      'Tis a sad day for all.


  1. " See, my worst nightmares have come true, for today in Cagayan de Oro City, A STARBUCKS WAS BORN"

    izz not that bad. THINK ABOUT IT, people got jobs when that franchise opened. :>

  2. That means the Marks and Spencer did 150% damage! OMG did it use any def. reducing attack to increase the damage? like screech or something? 0_0

  3. Tin: I guess you're right. It's just that what Arthur said to me about his city a while back really stuck to me. He said Davao doesn't allow any Starbucks businesses popping up in the city to promote the growth of the local coffee industry.

    But, yeah, Starbucks CDO did provide jobs for people. Not so bad, I guess :3

    Andy: No. It used the most annoying move of all -

    Attract. :|

  4. Oooh…yeah I hate it when they do that. X(


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