
My first A on a Pulan exam! Woohoo!!! And I've got three of them too! (and one C+ .__. )

I would like to mention here that I find it a bit unfair how the teachers of my block give such hard exams and low grades. People barely passed the Filipino midterms in my block, and I'm quite sure that nobody got an A in the final grades. From what I've heard from the other blocks, they're getting A's all over!

I'm not saying we have bad teachers. Mr. Devilles, our Filipino teacher, does an excellent job at bringing to life Filipino literature. Last meeting, we spent fifteen minutes listening to songs from Glee and Les Miserables, talking about the romantic elements of the lyrics! It's fun.

But I'll tell you what's NOT fun: the exams. For our midterms, we were given a poem to analyze on the spot. I  thought I did all right, but when my grade came out, I got a 33 over 50. The passing grade was 35. FAIL.

As for my grades in Math 18A, our teacher, Mr. Mark Tolentino, couldn't have said it better: "You're doing okay. But I'd like to see you improve."

I'd like to see me improve, too.

I got 149 out of 200 on the Math midterms. Which is not bad, but not very good, either. In the second long test, I got 69 out of 100. Sighhhhhh.


I think my only redeeming factor is Chemistry, in which I got 87 out of 105 in the first long test. Not very good either, but it's better than most of the scores I've been getting in my other subjects. Ma'am Terrado is such a nice teacher. She can explain the lessons really well, too.

In Chem Lab, I'm also doing all right. I mostly get B+'s in my reports, and then there's the occasional A. Which is quite a wonder for me, because half the time I'm answering the questions from the lab manual, I have no idea what I'm saying.

Hahaha! Just kidding... Sort of.

I'm glad that Chemistry and I have settled our differences now. Back in high school, I seriously couldn't understand a thing. Now that I'm re-learning all those lessons in college, I keep going, "Ohhh, so THAT'S how it's done."

. . .

I just hope my Chemistry grades are high enough to bring my QPI up higher than 85%. That's the required grade for all BPI scholars.

Which means that if I fail a subject, or get a QPI lower than 85%, my scholarship will be terminated, and since we don't have enough money for me to continue studying in Ateneo de Manila, I'll have to go back home, and I'll have to enroll in Ateneo de Cagayan, and I'll have to take up Nursing...



  1. SIGE!! Ikaw na may "A" -_-

    HAHHAHAHA.. congrats :D

  2. I'll just go out and say I'd do some very bad things just to get your grade. :/

  3. Karlo: WHAT! This post was to lament on my failures, not on my three A's :)) But, thank you! Hope you're doing better than I am :))

    Anonymous: Really now? That's the sort of thing an upperclassman would say :))

    Mim: MOOOM! You make it sound like I'm doomed to go to Xavier. But you'd like that very much, wouldn't you. Haha.

  4. U got a 149/200???? I only got a 122 :( and my long test was 62 >.<

  5. awwwww.=) aiiim!:)
    congrats on your A!:)
    dont worri. im sure ul get tht 85% QPI.=))
    as for me, wish me luck.:(
    i got 2 LT tomorrow and one midterm on fridat.

    hahahahaha! college IS HARD. period.XD

  6. Anon: Hey, that's not bad! We're in the same boat, basically. :))

    Jase: Hey, thanks for the optimism! I could really use that riht now :))
    2 LT's and a midterm? YEAHHHH BOI! Welcome to Hell Week! It's about time too. I was beginning to wonder when your suffering would begin :))

  7. my's sank already =(

  8. i think she was talking to me when she meant anonymous :|

  9. ?_? you anonymi are making my head spin.

  10. impossible na makagawa ako ng better sayo.. :(

  11. im the appeasement anonymous hu got the 122, u meant me right?

  12. Karlo: NOOOOOOO kaya pa yan! :D

    Appeasement Anonymous: Yes, I meant you :D

  13. or worse than nursing: DEV COMM!!!! Wahahahaha!

  14. See other anonymous U FAIL!!!!!!!! Wahahaha! DEV COMM!!!! Wahahaha

  15. Dad: HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh, Fatherly Rose. You and your obscure self-depreciating humor :)

    Anonymous: Whut ._.

  16. whut? i thot ur dad was funny :P


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