a concussion you don't remember

      It started out like any other morning. 
     It was Friday, August 6th (yes this blog is delayed), and I had English class at 7:30. As my alarm woke me up at 6:30, I Rickroll'd myself out of bed (Rick Astley is my alarm tone) in the zombie state I wake up in every day. 
    Willing myself to sit up, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a black object resting on the pillow, next to the spot where my head had been. 

      Gasp of surprise! It was my flashlight! :O
      But how had it gotten there when I had never touched it since the day I first put it on the shelf above my bed?

    Seeing that the plastic envelope on my shelf had been knocked down, I used my ultra-clever super sharp wit and logic to arrive at a conclusion only a mind as great as mine could conceive: the envelope had knocked down the flashlight!

    Another gasp of surprise! :O

    The envelope? The envelope did it? Oh, say it ain't so! 

    Wait, it can't be true, because the envelope is the most obvious suspect! 

     But, all the evidence points to the envelope. Who else can it be? :O

. . .

     Yeah, enough with that failure narration of a mystery story. Bottom line is, it's all very puzzling to me. How did the envelope get knocked down in the first place? Was there an earthquake in the middle of the night? Did someone from the other room hit the wall, causing the envelope to knock over the flashlight and hit my pillow, possibly my head?

      You and I may never know the answer to this. So let's just blame it on an alien invasion and go back to sleep.

(scheduled post)


  1. you probably made it fall down by maybe hitting the wall when u woke up

  2. Impossible! My head is quite far from the wall. You can tell from the pictures that I sleep on the orange pillow. The flowery one is just there for decoration :))

    Also, I'm quite sure it was beside my head when I woke up :))

  3. curious....curious....could wind be the culprit like from the electric fan?

  4. Hey Mom! Worry no longer. All is well.

    No, definitely not wind. The windows were all clsoed, and the fan was off. Aircon was on, but it can't possibly produce a wind THAT strong, right? :/


    go back to sleep aimee. it was just a dream.


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