Sundays at home

As you may or may not have guessed from the title, it is Sunday, and I am at home.

When I say "at home," I do not mean figuratively "at home," i.e. "Make yourself at home."

I mean literally, I am home. In my house. With my family. In the beautiful, beautiful city of Cagayan de Oro.

And what a bittersweet moment this is for me. For one thing, I got to spend three days with my family, whom I have never stopped thinking about since I left in the first place. It's felt like heaven.

But on the other hand, I haven't been able to enjoy it all that much. I know that there's a plane ticket waiting for me in my shoulder bag, telling me that an airplane is returning me to Manila tomorrow at 6:15 in the morning.

Oh no. I'm going to cry in the plane. I just know it.

. . .

Anyway, it's been an amazing weekend. It feels so weird coming home for a "break." Before, I had always wanted to go to Manila for a vacation! But it's the other way around now.

. . .

It's so weird, sleeping in my bed again and being able to turn on the TV without having to ask anyone's permission. All my stuff is still here. The light in the other room still hasn't been fixed... Even my dogs still look the same.

It feels like I never left!

It feels like everything I had experienced in Manila was some big, elaborate, vivid dream. And when I talked about it to my family and friends, I was simply retelling the bits and pieces of this dream...

. . .

Whatever. It's late at night and I'm not making sense. I'll get back to this tomorrow, if I have the time. See ya in Manila.


  1. I wish I could go home :(

  2. Awwww! Hug! Who is this anyway? (pretty weird to give virtual hugs to people I don't know!)

  3. Yay hugs! XD Thats why its anonymous u dont need to know who i am:P For all u know i could be the dean of student affairs:P... dont worry though im not...(as far as u know)

  4. Oooh! If I give you another hug, will you raise my grade, Mr./Ms/Mrs. Dean of Student Affairs sir/ma'am? :D

  5. And when you come home this august, you'll find the light in your room still unfixed. Mwehehehe.
    Glad you had a safe journey, dear.
    do write about how it went.

  6. Uhmmm as the Dean of Student Affairs I am not responsible for raising your grade...(I guess)... I could make you do disciplinary work and stuff...(Although Im not sure) Hug?


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