the beginnings of insanity

          I was taken off the Internet some two weeks ago because of this long test in Chemistry that I'd been so dreading. Chemistry never was my best subject, and the memory of the last long test I had taken (Subject: Math. Grade: C.) was more than enough a reminder to stop procrastinating and start hitting the books.
         The results of that test were released today, and I got an 87 out of 105, equivalent to 82.9%. *Sigh.* What a let down. I guess it's not a bad score (it's a B), but it's not a very good one, either. I want an A!!! 

        *sigh, again* I didn't find the test that difficult, actually. In fact, if I were sure that Ma'am Terrado would never find this page, I'd go so far as to even call it easy. But... 87 :'(

         All the grades I've been getting so far point to one thing only: I. Am. AVERAGE.

         Average average average! I used to excel in high school, and that was without having to put in all the extra work. But why is it that I'm falling flat on my face in college, even WITH all those weekends spent in the Rizal Library reading Martin Silberberg's Principles of Modern Chemistry, Second Edition?! 

        WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!????!?!?!?!!?!?!?!

        My biggest fear is that I already AM giving my best, but that it's just not enough. Which leads me to think, why ISN'T it enough? And what can I do to make it "enough"? Or, have I really been giving it my best?

        . . .
        There's an essay for English that we have to submit this Friday. My last grade on an English paper was F (You would think that this would make me a failing student, and not just an average one, but actually my grade was supposed to be a C. I ended up with F because I handed it in late- 20 minutes late!!!). 

        If my best isn't enough, then I'm gonna have to do BETTER than my best!
        And if I'm not making sense anymore, blame it on THE LACK OF SLEEP I'M GOING TO BE EXPERIENCING FROM STAYING UP ALL NIGHT STUDYING!!!!
        YEAH!!!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!!! STUDYING!!!!!!!!!!!!

        DONE STUDYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. least you didn't fail :| guess who.

  2. Hello its that anonymous again (Im the appeasement anonymous) Dont worry its Ateneo its supposed to be hard, thats why its Ateneo, plus in the words of one of my upperclassmen "When you get into Ateneo you'll think about getting As when you start, but later you'll love passing best.XD" Goodluck

  3. Hey Appeasement Anonymous! :)) Why, thank you. That's what my Math teacher said nga. "If it's not hard, it's not Ateneo." Hahaha :3

  4. oh cool.... ang daming views.. pwede ka na kumita :))

    wait... A pa rin!!! :))

  5. Lol ok whos your math teacher?

  6. karlo: ayoko kasi ng ads! such eyesores @-)

    Anon: Mr. Tolentino. he's new, i think, but he's really cool! \m/

  7. lol we have the same guy

  8. Hi Aimee!!!

    I'm reading your blog for the first time!!! (escaping the peril that is Benjamin and Foucault combined for a few minutes to catch my breath)

    And I just wanna say, I know EXACTLY how you feel. GOSH. But everyone I talk to says that it'll get better...actually a more accurate description would be, it gets worse but you get used to it.

    That's hopeful enough for me!

    Okay, I have a page left to do, I will stop slacking for fear of Mr. Pulan's mighty blue pen attacking my work with a fervor-ed vengance for its sheer inadequacy.

    Good Luck!


    P.S. ignore my annoying's meant to be annoying :D

  9. Hey Alessi! I like how you said, "escaping the peril that is Benjamin and Foucault combined for a few minutes to catch my breath" instead of just "procrastinating." Hahaha!

    And, emo gurl? :)) I thought you were Diane! :))


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