Tumblr tidbit

Now that college is only three weeks away, I’m going to have to pick a talent and stick to it.

I'm sort of a jack of all trades, master of none. I know how to write, draw, take pictures, do graphic design, and play the guitar, keyboards, drums and bass.

Problem is, I'm not exceptionally good at any one of those things. (That's what the "master of none" means, in case you didn't know.)

But with college just around the bend, I'm going to need one special talent to hone, polish and rub in people's faces. (Kidding, kidding.)

Now that I have to start REALLY developing one of my skills, I figure the one I should choose is making music.

Playing the guitar, especially. Because out of all the things I know how to do, that's probably the one I know how to do best! Tried and tested during school Foundation Days and music projects. Haha.

Which is why I've been setting aside a huge chunk of my time each day to log onto http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/. It basically has the chords and tabs to any song that matters.

Also, I've been making sure to play especially well whenever my mom and dad are around. They might just get me that new guitar I've been hinting at for my birthday ;-) Hahaha.

(ripped from: my Tumblr)


  1. it's great you're thinking that, but admu'll push you to develop your whole self. at least, that's what i see in the few admu people i know. they're well-rounded, all of them, even though they do have their own 'specialties'. kinda like 'jill of all trades, master of one'.


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