To my brother Jiggy, six years from now

I'm writing this for you to read in the future, when you're old enough to be embarrassed of me holding your hand in public. Just in case you're wondering what you were like when you were a little boy.

Well, for your information, Future Jiggy, it's Wednesday, May 12, 2010. 3:30 in the afternoon, according to the laptop clock. And you kinda yelled at me for taking a bite out of your McDonald's cheeseburger a while ago.

It's just a cheeseburger, and I'm all too accustomed to you raising your voice, but what you did just now really hurt my feelings. Blame my girly girl hormones for this, but that really stung.

Why? Because when I asked for a bite you told me, "What? But you didn't even give me anything!"

Now that really sucks. Because (Future Jiggy, by the time you read this, I sincerely hope you've learned this lesson already) I'm your older sister, and I make great sacrifices for you. I love you to bits even though you bug the hell out of me sometimes. Sure, I make fun of you and nag you and ignore you when you try to tell me about a Tony Hawk's American Wasteland cheat you just learned, but I will always stick up for you and protect you and be there for you whenever you really need me. Just gimme a bite of your cheeseburger already.

You probably don't remember what happened earlier, Future Jiggy. Your dichi Caitlin was there to witness it and help me out with some sypmathetic sideward glances, but she's probably forgotten it by now as well. But I just hope you understand to appreciate what you have right now.

Because you are one lucky kid, Luigi Capinpuyan. You've got a nice place to call home, a Yaya Grace who loves you as much as I do, and a family who will never ever stop loving you. You've got nice toys, (do they still matter to you?) a cozy bed, and food - lots of food. And I hope you never lose sight of how much you are loved, and I hope you realize you've got a lot of love to share too.

So. I don't know how you found this webpage. Maybe I showed it to you, or maybe you just got curious about your achi's blog all of a sudden and decided to give it a read. Either way, I just took a break from writing this to watch an episode of Glee. You were too busy playing GTA to pay attention, and after the laptop spontaneously turned off, you stormed out of the room and out of the house, slamming all the doors you could along the way.

You were an angry kid Jigs. You got pissed at me for telling you to turn down the laptop's volume because I couldn't hear a thing Kurt Hummel was saying. Maybe you're just in a bad mood today, so you can't help but get pissed at me for the smallest of things.

Hah. Your bad mood moments make for some really funny stories. Like just now. I got really fed up that I couldn't hear Glee. I begged Dad to knock some sense into you and make you wear earphones (you know, so you could hear your game AND Cait and I could hear our show), and then you said in your Carlo voice, "Fine!" You plugged in the earphones, and out of pride, you said, "BUT I'M STILL NOT WEARING THEM."

Hahaha. I hope that by the time you read this you're not an angry person any more. I hope that you've learned to always appreciate things, and be thankful for life. I hope that you're learning and laughing and loving more than ever.

Anyway, till here, Future Jigs. Let Future Me know when you've gotten this message, ayt? I predict that I'll be in some nice university getting my degree in Medicine.

Have you chosen what you wanna be in the future yet, by the way? At present (my present, anyway) you wanna be a pilot. Like Gilbert Teodoro. I think that's where you got the idea from. All his cool Mission Impossible-like commercials. And probably from that talk we had yesterday about your Ahia Patrick joining the Air Force.

Well, whatever it is you want to do, I hope it makes you happy.

Gotta go now. This is getting pretty long. Can you imagine that a McDo cheeseburger is what inspired me to do this? Guess we should go for drive-thru more often huh. :)

Stay sweet Jigs. I love you.



  1. Ach bah, I'm not like that na biya Ach. Samok kaayo si Ach bai.


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