beware the rickroll

I've just converted the Pink Room into my own little music room.
I brought the piano in from downstairs so I could practice "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley (for Rickrolling purposes, of course). I've already got it on the guitar, so I wanna record both into a computer and see what I end up with!
Also, I really need something to do other than Facebook. So, music it is :3
P.S. We're gonna go watch the Apo Hiking Society concert this Friday! It's gonna awesome :3


  1. hey, i love this song! it's so 80's disco-ish!!

    how long have you been playing the guitar? 0.o

  2. very late reply: Hi Sandy! :D I've been playing since I was in sixth grade, so... six years? @_@


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