Working 8 to 5

I need advice. Some months ago, I got "reassigned" to one of my city's vaccination posts, where I work as a vaccination doctor. My main job there is to handle all sorts of medical concerns related to vaccination, like when someone's blood pressure is too high before getting jabbed, or when someone has a medical condition that needs further assessment. But in between all those things, I mainly help the screeners. Screeners are what we call the nurses who interview patients to find out if they're medically fit for vaccination. I'm not really required to do it, since there are other people hired to do that specific job. But I do it anyway because sometimes there are just too many patients coming in, and they need my help. Screening is easy. You just ask the same questions over and over again. Is this your first time getting vaccinated? How are you feeling today? Do you have any allergies? Do you have any underlying medical conditions? Were you recently a close...