Elephant in the room

To address the elephant in the room: I recently got transferred out of Gigaquit. I'm sure you're thinking: what, why, what happened, omg so soon, huhu. But trust me, while the news is extremely heartbreaking, I believe this was the right choice for me. During my brief time there I truly believed that I was the luckiest Doctor to the Barrio (DTTB). I had a great and dependable set of staff. A super supportive boss who eventually became my mentor (and grandfather to my newly adopted puppy). An LGU that was so easy to work with. I even found a second family there in the form of my landlady/foster mom. Twice I'd run into problems on the road and needed to be rescued. Each time, random people offered their help, without me even asking. They even refused when I insisted on paying them. The people of Gigaquit are truly something else. I don't know if I'll ever be so lucky to be assigned somewhere with their same energy. They set the bar pretty high. And I can't eve...