
Today was amazing for several reasons, namely because... 1. I got to sleep for ten consecutive hours. TEN!!! That's equivalent to the amount of sleep I get in three pre-exam days!!! 2. Those ten hours I got to sleep guilt-free, because I don't have any scary tests to study for or projects to cram. This weekend is an oasis in the middle of the harsh, desert wasteland that is med school. 3. I ate ice cream for breakfast, because I was enjoying my bed too much and I didn't want to leave the unit to get food (I must get my butt to the grocery soon). The ice cream was a mix of cookies and cream and coffee crumble, two of my most favorite flavors. 4. I got to design some fake posters for OBF (the ASMPH sem-ender party), which was extremely fun (mainly because I was under no pressure to make the posters look good. 5. Rap and I went out to catch a movie, our first time in I think two months. The last time we went out was to watch a Cin...