
Showing posts from September, 2014

facing fears

       As I've said previously, I've had no issues dissecting the arms, legs, back, and torso, but the face was a different story. Well, here's that story.       I was never excited to see her face. All along I kept picturing myself unwrapping her shroud to reveal her as she might have looked in her final moments: tortured, suffering in eternal, excruciating pain. With her eyelids peeled back, mouth permanently twisted into a silent scream, and dead eyes pleading me for help. Or with three bullets in her head (as has been found in a cadaver from a previous batch). Or, worse, that she would look enraged, scowling at me, swearing vegeance upon me for having cut open her body so carelessly.       But this is after all the head and neck module, and I had no choice but to, well, face  my fears (get it? Face my fears?).       I had prepared myself the night before by watching videos of face dissection. And on th...

The struggle is real!

The musculoskeletal module ended this morning but was followed immediately after by the beginning of the infamous Head and Neck. Oh God, who knew the skull had so many holes in it??? And each with its own name too!!! Lord, patawad. :( I'm expecting the next three weeks to be the most exhausting, physically, mentally, emotionally, spritiually. Hell I'm exhausted already just thinking about it. But when you're surrounded by such a supportive and generous group of people, it becomes easier to get by. For instance... The minute I arrived at school this morning, Ruth (from the Scholar's Society) handed me this. (Context: I designed the logo for the Scholar's Society) Then, outside the room where we would be taking our musculoskeletal finals, this was the sight that greeted Batch 2019. Hand-written notes for all 159(?) of us!!! How sweet!!! We don't know who did this, but whoever you are, thank you so much!!! And just when I thought things c...