It's been a while since I last blogged (more than a month, to be exact) and I feel pretty bad about it. I told myself at the start of this blogging venture that I wouldn't neglect my Blogspot like I did my first blog (it was on Friendster, lasted me a good four years, and got deleted when Friendster Blogs ceased to exist). But here I am, already six months into the year, churning out blog posts at a measly average of 2 posts per month. (For reference sake, what I used to be able to write in one month now takes me six months.) I've been slow on the updates, and no it's not because I've been busy. In fact I've got a lot of free time on my hands (no classes on MWF, no classes in the mornings). Life is sweet. And mind you I'm not taking all this sweet, sweet time for granted. I've been watching Friends reruns (currently waiting for Ross's wedding to finish downloading!), working on my design projects, reading for Philo, jogging, and of course doin...