hell week, and how I survived it
To call this week a living hell would be an understatement. It might actually be an incorrect statement - it indeed felt like hell, but it certainly didn't feel like I was living. This week was so excruciatingly saturated with long tests and thesis work and oral exams and and sleep deprivation and Father Dacanay and Global Health, that it is a wonder I am still alive (and blogging) right now to tell the tale. I really should be sleeping, conserving my energy for when life decides that it is time once again to torture me. But I have something that I want to say, and it is quite important, and you must understand that in trying to say it coherently, I will be squeezing out whatever juices are left in my last remaining brain cells. I shall not waste time then. Yesterday, I slept for four hours only, woke up at 6 AM, and spent the entire morning studying for my oral exam with Father Dacanay. Worse still, I was so busy studying that I had eaten only a pack of Sweet Corn. By 12 noon...