
Showing posts from November, 2023

An attempt was made at an autobiography.

I am in the process of applying for a plantilla position somewhere, and one of the requirements is to write an "autobiography" about one's life. I figured, such an unusual requirement deserves an equally unusual style of writing.  So here I recycled an old article I wrote for Filipina Pen and Ink back in 2015, describing the daily grind of a med student. I've updated it to reflect my recent experiences having finished med school already.  Hope you enjoy reading. * * *  It’s 5 AM and I am jolted awake by the crowing of several roosters outside my window. For a few blissful seconds, I’m disoriented, and I don’t know who I am. In the dim morning light, I make out the outline of the grotesque mascot from an anti-smoking poster. His cataractous eyes are reflected in the faint glint from a steel equipment cabinet shining with green alcohol bottles. The black form in the corner of the room sharpens into a writing desk cluttered by folders and records. The hardness of the mat...