
This is just a bunch of updates that I feel I need to mention, because too much time has passed since the last one, and it's getting awkward. So, I wrapped up my Doctors to the Barrios stint last January 2023 and started a new job at the Health Promotion Bureau of the Department of Health in April. In between jobs there was a lot of bumming, unemployment anxiety, family events, and dog walking. Those three months went by so quickly. My current work at the DOH is my first ever office job, and first ever entry into the realm of high-level policy. My first thought when I started: everyone sounds SO. DAMN. SMART. and I feel like I know nothing . Intelligence is quite evenly distributed across the Health Promotion Bureau team members - hell, even our admin assistant has a masters degree! When I was in the barrios, I felt like brainpower was more concentrated in some people more than others (if you know, you know). And when I was in the barrios, people would make such a huge...