Hello Nasipit!

It's been roughly one month into my stay here in my new area, and so far, things are going well (*knocks on wood*). My uncle who lives in town helped me set up these cork boards in my office, and now I have a nice cork canvas to get creative with. I've also spent at least one day a week going around the different barangays, joining in on the house-to-house vaccinations. It hasn't been easy. My previous job in Butuan mainly involved me staying put in a vaccination center. The people I dealt with were all willing to be vaccinated, even if in the tiniest degree, so it was not as much of an uphill battle. But now that I'm working on the ground, I am more exposed to the proportion of people who don't want to get vaccinated. And it upsets me. It hurts even more to think that we go through such lengths to bring vaccines closer to people - which can sometimes mean riding precariously balanced motorcycles on dangerous dirt paths deep into the mountains. What do we get in r...