Mobile days are good days.

*** In the past month and a half, I've seen a drastic improvement in my mental health despite doing pretty much the same thing as before, which is vaccination work. A change in scenery made all the difference. I didn't realize how much of my negative outlook before was brought about by my work surroundings. In the vaccination post where I used to work, the temperature was always uncomfortably hot and humid. It was a closed gymnasium with tiny windows, so the air circulation was awful. Also, because it had poor ventilation, it drove me crazy to see patients with their masks lowered, mouths agape, noses exposed. Poor ventilation plus unmasked people in a pandemic situation equals bad news. If I were a Sim, my mood meter would instantly plummet into the red upon setting foot into this place. I was constantly sweaty, uncomfortable, and angry at unmasked people. But the worst part of it, in hindsight, was that work didn't feel meaningful to me. I was one of two doctors there...