Language barriers, introversion, and other disclaimers

There's a few things about me that I want/ need the people in my community to understand: I have boundaries. I'm putting this item at the top of my list so we can get it over with quickly : Y'all need to stop asking for checkups outside office hours. (And while we're on the topic of boundaries: STOP COMMENTING ON MY WEIGHT!) o I enjoy spending time by myself . I am, quite obviously, an introvert. When I'm alone I get to do all sorts of fun things. I read books, write blogs, listen to music, water my plants, play the ukelele, exercise. There's so much going on inside my head at any given moment that I am hardly ever bored or lonely. So please stop feeling sorry for me LOL! This is just who I am. o I have friends. Yes, really. The other week, my friend Kith (a fellow Doctor to the Barrios) came to visit me in my health center. The midwife on duty that day, Ma'am Alice, told me later on, "Dok na happy ako dok na meron ka nang friends! Mag invi...