Tales from the Middle Line

In case we homo sapiens don't survive this pandemic, I hope the future master species (dogs) discovers my blog. I hope their linguists eventually decipher this English I'm using from the ancient days of 2020 BC (Before Covid). I hope they study my blog as carefully as we humans have studied our history books and sacred texts. And if there's one thing I want my Future Masters to know, it would be this: I tried my best. Even before this pandemic, it was never easy being the community doctor. But now that the sh*t has hit the fan, the difficulty level has increased 100x. On top of my regular consults at the clinic, I'm struggling to keep up with the latest research, studying the patterns of disease, looking out for any clusters of flu-like illnesses in the community that could be the end of us. And in between all of that, I'm endlessly firefighting. (A more exciting way to say problem-solving.) But not all fires were created equal. The smaller, ...