
Showing posts from October, 2018

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In a rare moment of sipag , I'm actually outside right now on a free Sunday, reading an Obstetrics textbook instead of absent-mindedly scrolling through Netflix. In the middle of my reading about blood volume, I had a random flashback to this patient I had a couple of days ago at the health center. Around 12:45 PM, as we interns were eating lunch, a guy comes knocking at the door to the multispecialty clinic. That afternoon was our scheduled OB-Gyne time, and he was obviously neither an OB nor a Gyne case, so before I had even spoken to him I was sure that he was knocking at the wrong door.  Anyway, I opened the door and asked him what his concern was. He showed me his ankle. There was a wound on the lateral side, quite big, around the size of a five-peso coin. Dry, not actively bleeding, but still unhealed. He said a dog had bitten him a couple of weeks back, and that he had kept on scratching the area. I found it weird that two weeks after the event, the...