What the pox?!

So I guess my Clerk's Notes series will have to come to an abrupt end, seeing as I am no longer a clerk. Very happy about that! I also get a perverse glee thinking about all the wrongdoings I committed in clerkship that went unsanctioned / unnoticed, like coming in late on certain days or case write-ups that I half-assedly crammed. I was supposed to start internship yesterday at the Toro Hills Health Center. Sadly, I've been put out of commission for a while thanks to this weird viral illness I've contracted. Nobody can say for sure what it is but Doc Sio suspects German measles. As such I have to wait for my horrid rash to subside before I can even think about returning to work. Which sucks big time. There are so many exciting things happening at the health center this week. I was supposed to be part of the first batch of Ateneo interns to ever rotate there, and here I am sitting pretty at home, waiting out a stupid rash. Been marathoning Gilmore Girls on Netfli...