Clerk's Notes 6: Under Pressure (or the story of how a business degree came at the price of my mental health)

There's something about this weekend that is making me absurdly happy. Maybe it's that my duty schedule is permitting me to sleep in on a Sunday. Or maybe it's that the busy street near my condo is closed to cars, and is currently populated by only happy families riding bicycles and stupid teenagers trying to show each other up with skateboard tricks. Wow listen to me, calling teenagers "stupid" and openly resenting them as an age group. How grown-up sounding! Maybe it's that I had the time to go out and get a decent breakfast (pancakes, a sausage, and some iced coffee from McDonald's in case you were wondering). Or that afterwards, I got to watch Gilmore Girls on Netflix while simultaneously practicing watercolor painting. I think the magic of this weekend really stems from me finally having the time and space to just work on being myself . See, my rotation...