Clerk's Notes 2

> Subjective Today marks the first day I haven't set foot inside a hospital since clerkship started. Seriously. Thank you to [hospital name redacted] for giving us clerkies the holiday off! Woke up at 8:30 AM today. Felt so strange not having to get ready in a rush, not having to drag my body some place it doesn't want to go. Literally went "mmmmmmmm" as I buried my head in my pillow and went back to sleep. Had a slice of mango cake for breakfast. Mmmm WENT CRAZY OVER THE LATEST TAYLOR SWIFT VIDEO . (Zombie Taylor is the best Taylor.) Walked to Ayala the 30th from my condo (in the blazing noontime sun. But I didn't mind because I'd spent all my afternoons on hospital floors, never knowing what the sky looked like at any given hour) Peaceful sushi lunch at Genki Sushi. Although I felt pressured to eat fast and leave because my single butt was holding up space at a table meant for 6. Stocked up on foot deodorant :| Marathoned Orange is the New...