Mask from hell

Today I interrupt my Baguio series to dabble in skincare reviewing! Yes yes I know most of you guys are about ready to stop reading at this point BUT YOU MUST CONTINUE READING FOR I HAVE SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT TO SAY. And that Very Important Thing is this: Watsons' Blackhead Removing Mask sucks. Big time . Okay so it wasn't that important but hey at least I got your attention. I am, by no means, a skincare expert. However, I am an average human being, and I can attest that by normal human being standards, everyone should just stay clear of this 139-peso waste of money. Unless given as a gift for someone you low-key despise, say for example, a certain tita who never fails to comment on your weight every single time you visit during the holidays. Moving on! I must point out that I didn't plan on doing a review on this, I just really wanted to try it out for fun but then ended up hating the product so much. Essentially I tried the mask on first and then d...