Endo diaries

Things have been quite good lately... barring all of Duterte's recent slapstick antics, the supertyphoon in the North, the police ramming through protesters. I mean in the realm of my little bubble that is Med School, things haven't been all that bad. The Endocrine module started this Monday, and I was / am pretty happy to be out of the Renal module. Because Renal is, and has always been, my hatest module. I agree, "hatest" is not a real word, but no other word can better encapsulate my superlative dislike for the module. Renal is my pinaka hatest. So yes, I'm glad we're in Endocrine now, because I do enjoy Endo quite a lot. Endo is all about hormones and how they balance each other out. The reason I like it so much is that I studied this extensively during my college Physiology class, so it was one of the easier modules for me to digest. My biggest challenge with this module now is memorizing all those da...