Hello, blog. It's been SO long since I've last updated you. Lots of interesting things have been popping up in my life, but I've just been so preoccupied with keeping my head afloat in med school. I haven't really been paying much attention to anything other than my transes. I'm sorry. Anyway, today I just had the urge to write because I just came from my Revalida. For those of you who don't know what this is, a brief explanation: The Revalida, also known as an Oral Integrative Exam, is an oral exam that comes at the end of your second year in med school in which you have to integrate everything you've learned during the year. The format of it is you're first given a written case to read. Then you have 30 minutes (or less, depending how long it took you to read the case) to read up on the case using one book of choice (for most people, it's Harrison;s Principles of Internal Medicine)....