
Showing posts from December, 2013


I feel evil for using up some of my precious time writing a blog instead of reading for Physio / Philo / Theo or working on med school applications. And yes, for those of you who have come to know me only through my blog, I am applying for med schools now. I am a senior now, too (as I have been for the past eight months). Isn't that cool? This blog came into my life even before Ateneo did. This blog has seen me through the wilderness of sweets that was my college experience. You can see how I would post almost every day in my first year, updating this thing with posts about the buildings I had discovered, the subjects that I have come to love (or hate), the people I have encountered. And you can see how progressively, thanks to the increasing demands of school work (and, thank God, a social life), I have been posting less and less and less. I don't know what I am to do with my blog URL once I graduate. Will I still be "Bea in Manila" in four months' time? S...